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See what veterinarians are saying about Plumb's™

"Plumb's is indispensable for every clinical veterinarian, especially relief veterinarians serving multiple and varied practices. I consider my Plumb's app a critical tool to have on every shift, whether I'm working ER, GP, or shelter."

—Cindy Trice, DVM

"Plumb's Pro has given me added confidence in my diagnostic and therapeutic approach to my patients. The comprehensive monographs and algorithms not only provide educational content for clients but offer a practical approach to case workup that stays current with the literature."

Alex Blutinger, VMD, DACVECC

"Compared to other options, Plumb’s is easier to use right on my phone, the information is organized and concise (no searching through forums), easy to trust as it’s curated by experts, and it’s easy to send owners concise information in handouts."

Madeleine Cosentino, DVM, BScH

"Plumb's Pro has created a one-stop shop for medication, diagnosis steps, and client education, which has reduced my time spent looking in multiple locations for information and improved the quality of care that I can provide to my patients."

Kelsey Hart, DVM